Tooraj Jamasb
Tooraj Jamasb
Rahmatallah Poudineh
A New Perspective: Investment and Efficiency under Incentive Regulation
Determinants of investment under incentive regulation: The case of the Norwegian electricity distribution networks
Distributed generation, storage, demand response and energy efficiency as alternatives to grid capacity enhancement
Electricity Supply Interruptions: Sectoral Interdependencies and the Cost of Energy Not Served for the Scottish Economy
Dynamic Efficiency and Incentive Regulation: An Application to Electricity Distribution Networks
Dynamic Efficiency and Incentive Regulation: An Application to Electricity Distribution Networks
Distributed Generation, Storage, Demand Response, and Energy Efficiency as Alternatives to Grid Capacity Enhancement
Distributed Generation Storage, Demand Response, and Energy Efficiency as Alternatives to Grid Capacity Enhancement
Determinants of Investment under Incentive Regulation: The Case of Norwegian Electricity Distribution Networks
Investment and Efficiency under Incentive Regulation: The Case of the Norwegian Electricity Distribution Networks
Investment and Efficiency under Incentive Regulation: The Case of the Norwegian Electricity Distribution Networks